Welcome To Our New Pastor

We would like to welcome Rev. David Regan to Holy Name of Mary!

55 East Jamaica Avenue
Valley Stream, NY 11580-6313


Monday through Thursday 9am – 4pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed

Rectory Fax516-568-1906
Parish Outreach516-825-0177
Outreach Fax516-825-5092
Religious Ed516-825-1810
HNM School516-825-4009

Parish Outreach and St. Vincent de Paul FOOD PANTRY

Our FOOD PANTRY is OPEN and we are very willing to help those in need of food assistance. Please call Parish Outreach to make an appointment.
We are also happy to accept donations of food, gift cards and money. Please call Outreach to make an appointment to bring or send your donation.


Daily Mass
Monday - Friday
Saturdays 5:00PM
Sundays 9:00AM & 11:00AM
Confession Saturdays
3:30PM - 4:30PM

Mass schedule is subject to change. Please check back for updates.


We are doing our best to keep all of us SAFE, but we need your help.

  • Stay home if you don’t feel well or have symptoms
  • Wear your mask
  • Sanitize your hands when you enter and leave
  • Keep social distancing
    • in the pews
    • in the Communion line
    • when leaving Church

We will professionally sanitize the church at 2 PM each day. Going forward, we may need some help in doing this. Call Parish Outreach to volunteer.

We definitely need some volunteers to direct people to seating areas at both the daily and weekday masses. If you are willing to help occasionally with this, please call Parish Outreach (516-825-0177).

Regarding Communion

The Diocese has informed us that Communion will be offered after the Mass is over.

We encourage you to receive in the hand because this is safer for you and for the priest. Please consider doing this even if it is not what you ordinarily do.
Please hold your hand out FLAT when receiving Communion.

If you must receive in the mouth, the priest must sanitize his hands after each person. We ask that those who must receive this way wait until the end of the line.

As per Diocesan directives, those who receive Communion must NOT wear gloves. Keep your face covering ON until right before you receive Communion, then immediately place your face covering back on.